so i'm quite tipsy right now.
mostly i blame gogo bar. which - until tonight - i hadn't been into for ages and ages. in fact since that time my so hot right now jacket got taken. anyway, good news: my jacket didn't get stole this time.
bad news: we found a way to convince the bar man to sell us $14 cocktails for $7. i'm not sure how we did this. but we did.
but actually i blame more than gogo bar. so many things that i don't know where to begin frankly. number one i have mice again. and i am deathly afraid of mice. as we should ALL know by now. number two i had a weird day at work that meant that i had to pack up all of my work possessions and put them into eight boxes. number three it has hit me that i have an assignment due on wednesday and i have started said assignment. numbers four and five i don't want to talk about yet and number six i was helping a friend who wanted to talk something through and hello alcohol is great for that.
now i just want to go to bed but of course i wont be able to sleep because i'm really REALLY quite tipsy and i'm really really afraid of mice eating me in my sleep. somedays i wish i could have a protector making sure that my day was perfect and my house mice free and my study done.
Sorry to hear about your mice. My suggestion - get a cat but make sure it is trained not to bring you mousey presents.
Also, I beleive that you may be well positioned to have lunch with me next week after you have unpacked your boxes.
lunch sounds awesome hels. let's do it.
and fyi i've just woken up. i feel awful. and just want to hang around the house. but kind of cant due to the mouse situ. grumble.
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