inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

tonight i watched casablanca. this is a still from a scene in the movie...

it was the second in the classic movies series. last week was the first. gone with the wind. it is going to be pretty hard to top. but anyway, casablanca was good. some viewers even liked it more. not me, i would still marry rhett butler in a heartbeat.

but rick is a bit of all right.

anyway speaking of which, even though it isn't a new year's resolution as such this year is the year of getting ON the beer goggles. well, sort of. this year i am going to grow to love martini's if it kills me and i shall drink them at every opportunity.

except when i don't feel like it. like last night. i went to 24hr party people. which anyone who even glanced at this blog last year knows is just about my favourite night of the month (or two month period, since it is roughly once every two months). i was sleepy and more in the mood for coffee than martini. i settled on cranberry. and even though i was sleepy i danced like a maniac maniac on the floor. but i'm the first to admit i wasn't the most maniacal. that award goes to the chick who often shows up in her floral leggings and swim suit. she was there again last night. in all her high kick glory. oh also i had to retire injured. this dude from work jumped on my heel. it wasn't his fault as such - only in that he wrongly thought he was jumping straight up and down when really he was all over the place and often that meant banging in to me. i told him off and then he said sorry. anyway sorry didn't stop the bruising buddy. but whatevs, i'm over it.

speaking of being over it... the heat! i am basically sitting on my fan in an attempt to cool down. so far... limited success. but i feel super guilty for resenting the heat, given that i spend seven months of the year cursing the cold. so on second thoughts: heat - bring it on.


Ben said...

Gone with the Wind's mewling annoying Scarlet ahead of Rick and Ilsa and the sharpest script ever written? Never! Though I guess bogie's raincoat, jowls, and short stature can't match Clark in your eyes.

Anonymous said...

spot on. it is all about clark really. he is so dreamy. i have seen his real life jacket at the museum of hollywood. those broad shoulders. reow.