inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

i have an eyelash in my eye. i rub it and rub it but surprisingly this course of action just makes things worse.

i walked to the supermarket before with the affected eye winking all the way. i probably have a series of boyfs now, who think they were getting the glad eye. for various reasons, they were not.

anyway, i think the main cause of the eyelash issue is that i overdid the eye makeup this morning. because i had a meeting with my minister. not in the religious sense, but in the Minister of the Crown sense. and i thought i'd make a bit of an extra effort to look awesome. anyway, backfire.

and it is such a shame too. because at the moment at work i'm trying to dress more amazingly than normal. because i'm applying for a job. and according to urban legend (and jan from the office (USA)) you dress for the job you want not the job you're in.

the job i want IS the job i'm in. but whatevs. plus, unprompted, someone told me i put the rest of my work to shame with my exceptional fashion sense. she could just have been trying to build bridges and breakdown walls, given the day before we'd had a disagreement. i tell you, i'm a tiger in the workplace. you're lucky you don't work with me.

anyway, i've thanks to google i have looked at what other people wear to interviews. this guy was my fave.

he is such an inspiration. actually, the t.shirts i ordered my brother and brother in law from threadless have FINALLY arrived. i only ordered them in the first week of december. anyway, one of them asks: what would macgyver do. maybe i should wear it to my interview. great talking point.

although by then i may have rubbed my eye so much i'm blind. that would be an alternative talking point.

cripes. eyelashes are tiny but mighty painful. note to self: cut down on the glittery eye liner. sigh.

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