inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Friday, January 25, 2008

the thing i like about friday night television is that it usually involves some kind of fashion related reality television. which is why i am not really a regular at friday night drinks. but tonight i miss timed it because the blimmin bus was late and i only got to see the end of the fashion police show. i tried to make up for it by watching bridezilla but after thirty seconds it was already unbearable i retreated to my room with yoghurt and blueberries and guidebooks for vietnam.

and my camera. which reminds me: it is your favourite time of the week

fashion challenge - part iii

week three: black beads

history of the necklace: when i first started working after university i had one work outfit: a shirt and a skirt. which i basically wore every day with a cardi when i wanted to look especially professional. (or a suit which was three sizes too big. but i don't count it.) anyway, to disguise the lack of variety in my wardrobe i bought three sets of beads for $10 from kleins. these are the only set of the three beads to survive.

day one: shine on, you crazy diamond.

due to the long weekend, day one was a tuesday. which threw my game some. but like a professional, i gathered my wits and created this ensemble. cardi: the jacqui e cardi i now realise i wear EVERY WEEK, a skirt from the internets and a charcoal slip from carly harris. total cost: $200.

here i am, super fly and rocking the outfit.

even though it officially means i have worn underwear as outterwear at work, this was my favourite outfit of the week. the beads were shining. and so was my slip.

day two: dress to impress

i have already blogged about it, but wednesday was important. i wanted to dress sharp. but i couldn't find a single outfit that went with the beads. i was about to abandon the challenge and offer the beads up to the first person who showed any interest when i decided on this outfit. white victoriana top: from farmers two years ago, black/grey (or is it blue) waistcoat: from century 21 in NYC, black skirt (not pictured) the bargain of the century skirt that, again, i appear to wear every week. all up we're looking at around $100 worth of clothes. bargain city.

and here i am. doing my best miss tyra: being fierce. you will see how i could be so bold as to blame my eye makeup for ripping an eyelash out from its roots and into my eye. talk about overdoing the eyes and underdoing the lips. but actually, the eye makeup is the redeeming feature of this outfit. i shall not be wearing it again. plus i think i will give away the waistcoat. so one more free hanger in my wardrobe. hurrah.

day three: reow! what a tiger.

animal prints. for me it is a bit love/hate. sometimes they are so wrong. but sometimes, like in this banana republic top, they are so very right. i paired the top with my favourite world dress (which, incidentally doesn't come across as slammin in this photo as it is in real life). and kaPOW, an outfit that is a 30% tiger and 70% girly girl with bows. ie 100% me. this is the most expensive outfit of the week, at $400.

and here i am in the outfit. and i just realised that it looks like an actual tiger has bitten off my legs and i am about to passout from the pain. i do not usually look like this. but anyway, great outfit. just not as kaPOW as i was hoping for.

so at the end of week three, i have no fewer necklaces than when i began. next week i plan to pick something deliberately impssible to match. i need some space for all the goodies i will pick up in vietnam.


as an aside: do you love how i'm just casually dropping in to the blog how i'm going to vietnam? cos it is true. i am in the final stages of booking tickets to vietnam. and i'm being very practical about it and everything. take today for example, i bought a tog bag for my togs when i'm in vietnam...

sooooooo at the top of my MUST HAVE list. ride 'em cowboy....


Anonymous said...

I like outfit no 1 best. Although outfit number 2 was pretty rocking when you knotted the beads

Anonymous said...

yeah knotting the beads WAS inspired. but yeah day one won out overall. there is something about wearing blue cardis i guess.

Unknown said...

Bridezillas is not very good. Bring back wife swap I say! Trinny and Susannah are back next week, but I don't like their current show as much as what not to wear.

Togs bag looks very cool. A few weeks ago I found my togs bag from the 1980s which is purple and has a picture of smurfette and my name on it! Very classy.