inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Sunday, January 06, 2008

i have broken some kind of world record because i have stuck with my new year's reso for five full days. i'm so much more organised. and i am reaping the benefits too. i've only lost my cellphone once today and sure i left my wallet at home when i went grocery shopping but at least i knew exactly where it was. in the draw. where it sleeps at night.

oh and i lost my keys but again only once. usually on a saturday i can lose them up to five times. so success.

apart from just enjoying my more organised life i've also been busy doing other stuff. like reading the hollow men. which was a christmas present. which i'm totally enjoying. and playing a variety of board games including the 90210 board game!!!! . the article i just linked to gave the game one star out of ten. and that is generous. if only we had the 90210 twister, which is discussed in this article as part of a tribute to terrible games. (and i know lots of links are terrible for readers but seriously, the second article in particular is hilarious).

i also attempted my first swim in wellington's ocean today and it lasted all of about thirty seconds. and i had cups of tea and played more board games - this time my new favourite board game (apart from 90210 twister) puerto rico. and i heard some exciting news but that is for others to tell you about.

and 2008 continues to show promise, not just in my whole being organised kick. but i have to confide in you that there are the odds signs of it not all being roses. for example i'm permanently in a bad mood. well not permanently, but more regularly that i'd like. plus hello there is disappointment because i'm watching the US version of the office (season two) and it is barely making me smile. but that could be the mood again.

speaking of moods, tomorrow i will be in the best of moods cos i'm hosting a party. well sort of. brunch. and the new blogger will be there. i only just read it half an hour ago and already i'm in love with it. you should read it too.


Anonymous said...

the US office barely making you smile??? had you already seen the uk office? i think that might be the issue...

i had see 2 episodes of the uk office before a us office ever existed, then i got super into the us office. last month i borrowed a friends' dvd set of the uk office and it didn't make me laugh at all. all i could think was that the characters are similar to the ones i love, but less funny.

Anonymous said...

i like the new look by the way

Joanna said...

Dear Miss Homeperm:

1. I watched the 'DONNA MARTIN GRADUATES' episode last night. Today (in fact, in about two minutes) I will watch the last episode of the season.

2. Where did you get the board game from? Cos I wanna play!

3. I can't think if there was a third point or not.

Anonymous said...

jessica: yeah i watched the UK one first and that probably influenced my preference. but the thing is i really liked season one of the US office (the basketball episode made shriek with laughter) but it is just season two i'm not so hot on. and thanks re: new look.

joanna: oh my gawd. i just ordered season three on the interweb. i can't wait for the donna martin graduates episode. also, remind me, does steve finally get enough screentime in this season?