inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

fashion challenge!!!!!!

when i cleaned up my act and got organised i discovered i had about a million necklaces and half a million rings and a further 75,000 badges, brooches or buttons. and i couldn't part with a single one. so this week i turned my accessories cull into sport.

the rules: each sunday i pick a piece of jewellery and i have to wear it at least three days that week with outfits that match sufficiently well. the outfits must be different each day.

the prize: if i successfully find three outfits that match the jewellery AND that i'm prepared to wear in public i get to keep the piece of jewellery. if i can't do it, the jewellery gets given away or thrown out or sold (in the case of anything that actually might be worth something).

week one: the peapod necklace.

the history of the necklace: bought from etsy for $9 (although it is currently selling for $10US and interesting the seller is not shipping to NZ any more). i am not sure what made me buy this other than from mid-last year anything green caught my eye. plus i love peas. which not everyone can say. i think i MAYBE wore it twice in six months... until the fashion challenge that is.

day one: end of the holidays

although it wasn't my first day back at work this year, monday was for most people in my office. and i gave them such a treat with this ensemble.

dress: $85 from brooklyn industries (???) last year in (what do you know) brooklyn, ny. cardigan $unknown, bought about three years ago from jacqui e.

here i am in the outfit. have to say overall i thought the outfit successful although noone commented on the necklace.

Day two: the colour purple

in the early 90s i thought no colour combination held a candle to purple and green. which is why i owned purple tracksuit pants. but anyway, that was a lifetime ago. today i paid homage to that colour combo with this outfit.

cardigan $95 from veronika maine (on sale!) top $75 from world (on sale!) and skirt (not pictured) $20 (reduced from $120). so basically this is my bargain of the century outfit.

and as you can see, i work this outfit. comments abound for the necklace with people SURPRISED at its price. as in they probably thought it was a priceless collectors piece. again, i count this outfit a success.

day three: crunch time

anyway tomorrow is d-day. i spent 45 minutes scouring my wardrobe for another outfit to match the necklace. and i have to say... it was nearly impossible. in the end i decided on this...

tee: $15 from cotton on! adelaide (august 2006), singlet $? from glassons about three years ago, skirt $100 from gregory at least two winters ago.

i haven't put them all on together yet so not sure that it will work. but i'm fairly confident i'll at least make it out of the door tomorrow morning in the outfit, therefore meeting my "wear it in public" criterion. and i obviously think they go together sufficiently otherwise i wouldn't wear in public. therefore: week one is a success and the peapod necklace stays with me. hurrah.

** prices are included where possible because i'm totally obsessed with my fashion budget. it is the unintended consequence of trying to be more fiscally responsible.


Anonymous said...

Thats very impressive. Wow, your a world shopper now.

Anonymous said...

it looks like it's time for someone to join flickr and start doing wardrobe remix. '

wardrobe remix!
wardrobe remix!

d3vo said...

I like how your obsession of having too many necklaces gets turned into a way for you to put multiple selfies in a post!

Anonymous said...

hebequeen: yes
jessica: i've checked yr wardrobe remix out and it looks awesome but already i'm afraid i'm to obsessed with clothes and the internet... would it be too much for me to handle and maintain a life with human contact?
d: you see right through me.