inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

desperate times folks. i had ONE task tonight - update my C.V. so far i haven't even got close.

but i have compiled this week's FASHION CHALLENGE photos.

Fashion Challenge - part II

week two: blue plastic beads.

the history of the necklace: someone moved house or left the country or something and tried to get rid of a whole lot of things, like crap jewellery. and hrc thought of me, and took this treasure, which she then gifted to me. lucky. or so i thought... finding three outfits was quite the challenge.

day one: casual monday

red top - bought years and years ago from jacqui e. skirt an american acquisition and jacket, not pictured, a farmers bargain. all up this outfit cost around $200.00

i thought the outfit kind of worked but was a bit tame really.

here i am in the outfit...
the sweaty look is courtesy of a walk home on a humid day. the necklace looks good, not sure about me though.

day two: dressing up for andrew bird.

remember how i love purple and green? i thought andrew bird might too. so i prepared an outfit that was a bit daytime/nighttime barbie. i don't think in style magazine would feature this in their piece on how to take office wear to the clubs but still i was happy with it.
cardi: veronika maine (worn last week too, talk about limited wardrobe), singlet that looks like a body suit in this photo: world and skirt off the internets. all up this outfit cost about $180. plus i got flowers ages ago and i saved the ribbon and guess what: PERFECT MATCH.

here i am in the outfit. i was smarter on tuesday and took the photo before i left for work, the point at which i theoretically look my best....
i look a bit glum, but otherwise i love this outfit. note that my handbag (slung over my shoulder) matches too! plus my ipod (the earphones for which you can see) is green and matches like a dream.

day three: fashion crimes

again, i found the third day very very hard. i was being picked up for work by cal and had a very set time limit. which i nearly didn't make. anyway, cardi is a marc jacobs cardi i foolishly paid retail for, skirt was the bargain of the century skirt, which i referenced last week, and top is my new WORLD top bought at the sale last week. plus an additional set of beads i bought from country road about three years ago. total cost: $500. someone at work suggested wearing an additonal set of beads was cheating. they were willing failure though because they were hoping i'd give them the blue beads. not a chance.

anyway, apparently i looked a bit like a gypsy today. i am not sure about the fashion crime of blending navy blue with black. but i loved my cardi.

not that you can tell from this photo, cos again i look miserable.

anyway, week two of the fashion challenge is over. phew. this is much harder than i'd expected.

tomorrow i may go without a necklace just to not have the bother of trying to match outfits to jewels. also, a necklace may get in my way when i dance like a maniac to fergie at the police concert. i hope she plays my humps!


Anonymous said...

I assume you're being sarcastic, but given how there's pretty much no concert you're too proud to go to I can't tell.

Anonymous said...

Wow, so jealous your going to the Police concert. Not sure I like the beard on Sting - but then you know my views on beards...but omg second pic - you like the child of Donna Awartere

Anonymous said...

no sarcasm cpw. i went. and she played my humps. and i danced. but not like the girls who were in gaggles. they danced in FORMATION.

and sting's beard worked for me.

and donna???? hmmm will have to rethink the sunnies... but i love them so.

Anonymous said...

haha yes Donna A!

Peachie said...

Your blue beads are nice I like them :)

Peachie said...

I like your blue beads they are pretty :)