inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Friday, September 21, 2007

you probably didn't know this but my dream was to drink cocktails from a pineapple in hawaii

and waikiki delivered. i don't want to bore you with details because basically my strength is in reporting on the inane not on the marvellous. but if i were to jump up on the white board and brainstorm the cocktail experiences i would put up the words: mai tai bar, hawaiian shirted band playing jimmy buffet songs, free nuts, australian hitting on us, tasty tasty cocktails, sunset, warm and barman that was the long lost identical twin of my brother. with the exception of the australian-trying-to-guess-where-in-new-zealand-we-were-from conversation it was perfection.

this holiday was the best idea helena ever had. it is a shame she didn't make it to waikiki to enjoy it with us. we'll just have to make up for it in NYC.

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