inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Monday, September 24, 2007

i am in chi-town. briefly. and thank god too. not that the stop over is brief but that the plane ride is over. american airlines could learn a thing or two from qantas re: leg space. i am sure i have dvt. but on the upside american airlines plays sitcoms instead of oceans 13. again, i praise the lord. because it was meant to be shown. and i've now already seen it twice. that's the draw back of being a full time traveller.... you end up watching a lot of the same movies.

anyway, hawaii is over as you probably gathered. i adored waikiki. and its hundreds of ABC stores where you could get anything you wanted. AND more prolific even than starmart or wishbone in wellington.

i dreamt about wellington on the plane before. it was cold in my dreams.

enough rambling. it is five 44 am here. and i'm a walking zombie. time to get some terrible american coffee. and i need my energy, because tonight i'm going to be in new york, watching the klaxons play madison sq garden and friggen blissing out.


Anonymous said...

i didn't know you were coming here! were you just in the airport or did you venture around? shoot! i hope i didn't just miss my chance to meet you!

Anonymous said...

we will definitely meet! i was in chi-town for all of two hours from five am to seven am, which is why i didn't announce it to you. we will meet! i'm sure of it.