inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Monday, December 18, 2006

tonight i ate a heartshaped egg for dinner. it was ironic or whatever.

dinner at home, alone, came after coffee and then a movie with one of my internet boyfriends. the internet makes people look taller. but whatever, i waved him goodbye - so it can't be all bad (fyi: waving is, like, what i *do* on dates).

also, while on my date, some guy across the room at the coffee house (it was a cafe, but coffee house sounds cooler) kept catching my eye and smiling. what the? hello, i'm on a date. creepy man.

also, hot tip for boys: don't take a girl to the james bond movie. daniel is one hot hunk of buring love. few boys measure up favourably in comparison. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

get ready. i think tonight will be the night i actually get my shiz together and put up a post for you.

Anonymous said...

You're right. Few measure up, but my god, the ones that do are worth the wait/worth their weight/smurfs with bait/etc.