inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

so yesterday i was getting ready for work and my hair just was NOT working for me.

so i got the scissors out and cut it. now i love it.

i went to a meeting today and people were like: great hair where did you get it done. or: how much did it cost. answers: at home, nothing. i'm so amazing....

this photo doesn't really do it justice but you get the picture.

also my shower is broken. i literally can't shower at home. i'm now officially living like a hobo and showering at work. which isn't such an issue during the week. but i am facing the prospect of having to go into work in the weekend.

excellent. but i guess i have awesome hair so i can't complain too much. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

how exciting! i cut my hair too...sometimes doesn't turn out so well.

Anonymous said...

it looks marvo!!! i am so paranoid about my hair i hardly even let my hairdresser cut it. so you are really smashing right now.

you should go and shower at freyberg pool! then you can have a tasty smoothie afterwards and stroll along oriental bay in the sunshine. ooh suddenly i feel homesick. california sucks at smoothies.