inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Sunday, October 22, 2006

my coffee grinder has changed my life.

i'm basically a thirty something now even though i'm only in my mid (to late) 20s. i get up on weekend mornings, grind my fair trade mexican coffee beans. make a mean cup of coffee (pictured) and take it and my muesli back to bed where i cruise the internet for interesting blogs and check out all of the smiles and messages i've gotten over the past 24 hours on find someone dot co dot nz.

the problem with this system is that i get so carried away in my fair trade freshly ground mexican coffee that i end up saying and doing random internet things. like trying to type comments on blogs with one hand while i hold the mug in the other hand. this makes my comments seem like they make no sense. ksdjlfud. for example. and then hit okay or publish without reviewing. so now all these awesome people all over the world think i'm illiterate.

which isn't so bad. but what is bad is that my new boyf thinks i'm illiterate too. i finally find a boy on findsomeone dot co dot nz who is under 40 and interesting and lo and behold i write like i'm simple in my reply to him. again because of the one hand coffee sipping system. and my off-the-cuff approach which means i hate rereading what i've written. it's probably a good thing that it is over, though. because if it wasn't he may interupt my thirty something coffee routine. and i'm so into this routine right now.

my coffee grinder has changed my life. Posted by Picasa

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