inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

i took this photo at the gay and lesbian fair earlier this year.

anyway today one of my cowoes informed me that when i talk to boys on the phone (even about work) my voice changes and i become much more flirty. and apparently, i send out flags. whatever the hell that means. needless to say i'm mortified. thank god i have jason bateman to come home to at night. reow. Posted by Picasa


Off-Black said...

You talked flirty to me on the one occasion we have actually had a physical conversation :)

Anonymous said...

and that's something to be *ashamed* of? first i heard. as far as i'm concerned the world does not flirt ENOUGH. your cowoe is just jealous because you are way better at it. work it darling.

Homeperm said...

off black: did i really flirt with you? i don't recall, but can you blame me?

and h.... as you know i totally agree with you. and i will continue to work it, darling.

Off-Black said...

Blame? Frankly, no :)) I flirt anyway, so I probably encouraged it.