i first met him in the 1980s when he was a teenager and i a pre-teen. he was in valerie. it later became the hogan family. he was the older, handsome, brother on the show. and i was in love with him. in this one episode he had a nightmare that he went bald. i just about cried for him.
then i forgot about him. lord only knows *how* that could happen.
but then our paths crossed again the other day when hrc lent me her dvd player and the complete arrested development. and i have barely moved from the couch.
actually, that's not true. i went to work today. and had a marvellous day. and some guy tried to set me up with one of his friends. it all sounded fine until he told me that his friend had hygiene issues. i've noticed this before. people tell you so and so would be good for you to meet then they start talking about all their faults. honestly, what is with that?
then the heavens opened. i got soaked (not really because i have nice friends who take me places in their cars). then i came home and watched more arrested development and fantacised about what it will be like when me and jason bateman marry. my guess: it will be fabulous.
also mallory keaton could totally be your maid of honor or something. awesome.
you have just described my dream wedding erin.
Arrested Development is by far the funniest show ever on televison, I have all 3 seasons on dvd.
"Buster... You can't do that out on the balcony buddy?"
"Mom says it's too windy."
it is hilarious! last night instead of doing anything vaguely sociable i parked up on the sofa and watched gob try and make things disappear. it was amongst my best saturday nights ever.
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