on a lighter note, not, i went to the most depressing film i've seen in ages. i was all down about how this has not been my week so far. and one of my favourite people in the world was feeling same so we went on a hot date to the movies. and thought something light and uplifting could be the go. i decided, wrongly, that what was even more important was a movie that started immediately. so we went to fateless.
about half an hour into it i wanted to leave. or at least stab myself to take my mind off the misery being portrayed. this went on for two more hours. and included close ups of festering sores. then the americans liberated the jews from the concentration camps and i thought it was finally over. then the main character began his long walk back to budapest. not a bad movie etc... but i did not need it. not tonight. and probably not anytime this week slash year.
then i ate scallops, bitched about my lot in life, and ended the evening with a long phone convo with my favourite blogger. and giggled once more about how awesome that sticker is.

Oh my god, don't you know the rule that you should never go to holocaust movies if you're feeling depressed (or potentially, at all)
thanks anonymous. but no thank you. and hels, you're entirely right. and i wouldn't have gone but for the fact i got a sudden urge to go to a movie and picked the first thing on. it was stooopid.
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