why i am not married is beyond me.

also, if you date me i will give you tutorials in how to take photos. with or without cameras.
also if you date me i will be very very talky. but that is okay cos what i have to say is gripping. i will also hope people see us together so i can be talk of the town (although this morning i found out you don't have to be on a date for this to happen. there are rumours about me and a handsome man floating around my work place. i love it; although they are flawed in that they are untrue).

okay sold. i'll date you.
me too. three-way australian-american date on the horizon?
oh! just because HP is obsessed with adelaide, there is NO need to imply that she is an australian.
I want the photo tutorial! Although only being HALF as gorgeous as your fabulous self, they may not turn out as good... although we ARE long lost twins, so maybe I'll look ok.
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