i’m farcken amazing. Assignment: DONE. okay so it took me longer than it should of. and it is not so much like perfection. but what it is cannot be underrated. it is DONE.
although i was thinking exclusively about study yesterday, i did notice a man who was amazing like me. he had a giant afro. and awesome clothes. this should have been his theme song. i was going to stop him and tell him so but thought “inappropriate homeperm, inappropriate”.
so i let him be.
you know who else is amazing: NC. but we’ll have to talk about that later.
right time to get dressed, put on a happy face, and head to my clas
Oh my god, where did you find that song?
it is from a friend. it is great, no?
It is perfect!
jessica: consider yourself emailed.
hels: it is! also do you want to go to the dragkings on friday 12th?actually the invite is basically open to anyone. but i would especially like to invite hels if she hasn't been invited already.
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