for example today life wasn't that sweet. it was tarty to be honest. i had horrible work. and all i wanted to do was sit on a couch and gossip with people. preferrable with people who think me wonderful. today i needed my ego stroked.
i went to a play. and the play pissed me off. because hello i'm special and unique. don't take my mojo and turn it into cheap laughs. acutally i recommend the play: 1/4 pounding. but i didn't like the ending.
i went to a bar dedicated to the beatles. how retro. i had lime and soda. also retro for me as it was my drink of 2004.
i'm home now and feeling a bit destitute. i'm spending too much. when i should be saving to be a shop-o-holic in melbourne ON SATURDAY.
and NC: i mean you. and not someone else. just to clarify (given your email earlier today i thought this was needed).
jessica, you are an american, so you will not like the noble feijoa. i have determined this through extensive international investigation. you and your countrymen hate it. it is so so tasty though. especially in this form:
(N.B. don't be misled by "pineapple guava". that is crap. pineapple is SO disgusting.)
i had a bad day today too. i think you are wonderful.
I'm not familiar with those things.
i have met canadians who have loved feijoas. and canadians are like americans. sort of. helena, i am sure *pete* would like feijoas. SURE OF IT.
and maybe jessica too. she has international tastes. she eats mexican food like every night.
and erin. i think you're more than wonderful.
and roonie. i hope you get familiar with them. they are the best thing about autumn.
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