then later on i sat reading through old emails** when i should have been studying. feeling like a sap. listeing to glycerine by bush (why is this on my ipod?) i noticed, in the reading of the old emails, how some of my favourite people are my favourites for a reason. maybe i've just deleted the bad emails from them. one of the oldest email was about sharing dreams for the future in one breath and trying to find out if a coworker was single and my type in the next. farck. i thought (as the bush singer guy was wailing "don't let the daaaaaaays go byyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"). i used to be frivolity personified. what happened?
then i remembered nothing says frivolity like including a self portrait on your blog everytime you run out of appropriate images... then again, maybe that is more self indulgent than frivolity. whatever. it works for me.

** i have old emails because i'm too lazy to delete them rather than because i hang on to things longer than i should.
I hold on to all of my old emails & go through them about once a year, promising myself that I'll get rid of a bunch of them. Once I start reading I get all reminiscent & none get erased. Eh, they're a nice reminder.
Why are you up so late?
So, did the bridal supplement help you decide what kind of dress you want?
jessica: i think they are the real lyrics at one point. the three being "my old friend fear... and you... and me"
emertron: emails are a nice reminder but since i recently made someone delete old text messages because i thought it was unhealthy or whatever to hold on to the past, i feel i need to at least pretend i don't hold on to text messages on purpose.
hels: i was studying
c-child: yes i picked a dress. the theme is leather and lace.
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