inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

when i'm bored i do stuff like this.


strong light said...

They are just delicious. Did you make then do the 'run, run, as fast as you can' thing??

Homeperm said...

tomorrow i will post about eating them - probably. i have a time and place all sorted out. however right this second i think i have a sugar headache. i have decided easter is my least favourite religious holiday because it is to long, with no organised activities (besides like church) and lots and lots of encouragement to eat. grhksladks

Anonymous said...

ooh i simply love them. i am almost going to order prints. almost. you have inspired me to make cookies with my animal cookie cutters.
when i am bored i do this.
i.e. that thing hrc sent us. i have got up to 23 seconds!! just about killed me, because things suddenly get much meaner at 19 seconds. off to bake my cookies. h

Anonymous said...

I like the nipple sequins.

I know what you mean about Easter. Yesterday the Christians were going crazy with the bell-ringing in my neighbourhood

Homeperm said...

hels, you get to eat the cookies. tonight!

and helena: HOW DID YOUR COOKIES TURN OUT???? i expect to see photos.