i told myself i would study over the long weekend. shut myself away from the world. and rediscover my passion for, like, academia. so far the time spent studying = 3 hours. in contrast: time spent angsting about how bored i am = infinite.
next easter i will go on holiday. i am sure of it. maybe it will be my honeymoon. maybe i will be getting married. people get married at easter. it is the done thing. i can think of two weddings going on AS I TYPE. but i am not invited to those weddings. instead i am at home 'studying' which so far means watching MTV australia awards on tele. hosted by ashlee simpson...

so far ash is terrible. she said a swear. that seemed sooo freakin' rehearsed i lost my (fairly minimal anyway) respect for her. then she made some weak joke about being the kind of girl who liked to go down under. big whatever ashlee. BIG WHATEVER. i've seen your show.
scribe performed not many. which is a bit 2003, but i still felt proud because i'm a sap sometimes and love hearing new zealand voices on international stages or whatever.
not that i heard much of it because my crazy neighbour is listening to walk the line on REPEAT, loudly. and it's not even the joaquin version. which i would forgive because i am in love with joaquin.
oh my lord, ashlee just won best female artist or something. over kelly clarkson and mariah. what the? one word: rigged.
also out of boredom i checked friendster. more messages. more people wanting to meet me. i should change my friendster photo. i'm obviously too hot for words in it. you may remember that last week i was basically proposed to by brahim. well tonight i replied:
hello brahim
thank you for your message.
friendster is a great way to meet people, but i'm only interested in meeting people who are on-line friends. not people to meet in real life. so i do not think you and i will be friends in real life. my guess is that most of the girls i know and who are on friendster feel the same way.
i hope you enjoy your time in new zealand. i also hope you know that it is nearly winter here. so when you come you should bring warm clothes.
good luck finding a girlfriend.
the first part is obviously a lie, btw. because obviously it is my life ambition to meet *pete* and he's a friendster friend. i felt a bit of a duty towards brahim too, because of how he wanted to marry me. so i gave him that hot tip, sentence five, about how he probably wont find a wife through friendster. in draft one i was more absolute. as in: brahim, my hot tip is this is not the best way for you to find a mate. and your email was terrible. then i remembered that internet dating can be very successful. while i am fairly sure the successful online relationships didn't start with: i'm looking for a waif i can't be sure. so i pulled back and decided to confine it to my network of friendster friends. which brahim has been viewing and messaging as well.
i should also reply to my seventeen year old admirer. but i think one reply a night is more than enough. crafting messages that good take time. and i've got study to do. clearly, it is my priority.
whatever came of the guy who lives on the boat that I tried to introduce you to via friendster?
i don't remember no guy on a boat. i just remember some other guy who i thought 'um, no' about. thanks for your online matchmaking. but it was just not quite right. also fyi i've updated my friendster photo. it is less hot. i hope this means less proposals.
I have been a complete slacker about keeping in touch with the good people of the internet lately, but I do want to say that I am always happy to have my good name associated with lies half a world away. It adds a certain amount of mystery. "He's been mentioned in connection with some wrongdoing overseas." See? So intriguing.
*pete* how nice to hear from you. it has been too long. and yes, you are the root of all things, including wrong doing. maybe i will pretend my boyfriend's name is *pete* just to implicate you more.
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