inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

today i pimped my couch.

doesn't that look inviting. you just want to lie on it.

and watch me cook (it's in my kitchen, so this is meant literally, although i'm cookin' in any room).

however, it didn't look that inviting half an hour ago...

it had been sitting in someone's basement. gathering a damp smell and rotting away. they were going to throw it away. makes me sad to think perfectly good - actually perfectly handsome - pieces of furniture are unused. man i love handsome furniture.


Anonymous said...

ooohhhh, it is very comfie.

Anonymous said...

I bought a stove off trade me. It was delivered this weekend. It is sitting in my hallway. It could be there for a long time. Acquisitions are a thrill.