inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Monday, February 06, 2006

i love long weekends. especially when they celebrate bicultural new zealand. and new zealand's founding document. well, depending on who you ask.

so to mark the occassion i made special treaty of waitangi bicultural surprise cupcakes.

they are clearly idealistic, because they are mostly dark chocolate with wee white tops. and on the inside you got a surprise. you either got 'white chocolate cheesecake' filling or 'dark as night chocolate' filling. or you got no secret surprise filling at all and just got a chcolate cupcake.

i had a number of visitors today so the cupcakes came in handy as a way to be a good host and a conversation starter. i also had a number of engagements and people to visit during the day. i took them with me. again, conversation piece. honestly, someone should PAY ME to facilitate treaty based conversations. i'm farcken awesome at it.

then in the evening i took them to a bbq in eastborne. the bbq was awesome.

(apart from the few minutes when i thought my good friend HRC was going to beat up some vegetarian dude who was talking, favourably, of the progress vegetarian sausages are making. the progress they are making means that the 'sausages' are almost edible. at least that's what i gathered. i was giggling to diffuse the situation so missed most of the verbals. my understanding of the fight is based on the non-verbals.)

post cupcakes and coffee we watched the sunset from the balcony. while others were taking probably beautiful photos of the sunset and trying to just get the sun and hills, i took this awesome shot of the transformer and sang the wichita lineman lyrics silently to myself.

i wish we had long weekends every week!

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