inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Monday, July 07, 2008

holy crap life is good.

and by life i mean the internet.

exhibit a: super gran.

exhibit b: t bag and the revenge of the t set.

exhibit c: contact

i could literally go on and on and on. but i won't. because i'm too busy peeing my pants from excitement.


Joanna said...

T-Bag! OMG!

Also: I hope hope hope to see you on Saturday. Please feel free to bring along friends s you don't have to worry about oh the horror of strange new people!

Anonymous said...

I was trying to remember what the hell this show was called the other day, and then I found it on youtube.

The Lost Islands

Best exposition sequence in opening credits ever!

Anonymous said...

i know. t bag! and you're doing such a good job of building anticipation aobut saturday.

and CPW OH MY GOD I WAS TRYING TO DESCRIBE THIS SHOW TO SOMEONE AND THEY HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT. from memory the show was lame but the opening credits are obviously sublime.

Joanna said...

I <3 U