inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Sunday, July 06, 2008

that gorilla from my last post continues to be hilarious. i have become the most frequent visitor to my own blog. just to get my three times a day dose of the gorilla going phil collins on the drums. i might get fired for excessive internet use at work.

speaking of work, i wore a suit this weekend. which is almost as hilarious as the gorilla given that i refuse to wear suits at work. i went to a hospital themed party as a bureaucrat. complete with post it notes and red tape. and a great opening line for any hot doctors i came across. something about tying them up in red tape for months. anyway, i didn't use it.

i did get stabbed in the head though.

today i went to see shetland ponies at the most awesome museum slash farm slash cafe that i've ever been to in my life. just to be clear i am only linking it so that you know for sure that YOU ARE NEVER ALLOWED TO GO THERE WITHOUT ME BECAUSE I WOULD DIE OF JEALOUSY. we went there for ryles's birthday. that's right: the most choice two year old just became the most choice three year old. his treat was going to see the model railway and feeding the shetland ponies. but he was more interested in pretending the disability access toilet cubicle was a spaceship. we ate chocolate mud cake too.

and by the way i can't believe ryles is three. because it seems like just yesterday i was in the hospital arguing with nurses and worrying about the pipe things coming out of his teeny tiny nose.
and now he's singing happy birthday and blowing out three candles without any help. he's such a show off.

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