inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Sunday, March 09, 2008

i am owning my feelings this weekend. and they are as follows:


on my plane home on friday (i was in christchurch) a chick lost her phone and held up the entire plane while it was found again. hurrah the phone was found. but not before tears.

and as the brooke fraser video clip came on the teeny tiny monitors that airnz has in its planes, phone chick cried and mouthed the words.

you, unlike me, might actually like brooke fraser. but i mean, come on! this is the video in question.


i went along to my friendly neighbourhood florist on saturday morning at around ten am. and was told it was a suprise to see a young person out and about so early. it was the florist equivalent of getting IDed at a liquor store. i played along. obviously.


two of the houses i was in this weekend had cats. cats catch mice. i actually became afraid of the second cat because it looked like it knew something. about me. i am considering counselling for my phobia.


well, only in my throat. but it is mighty sore. i hate being sick. and the worst part of a sore throat is that you know it will be followed by snot. fricken awesome.


because this weekend i launched my upcoming party. it is months away, but goddamn it i am excited. it will probably be the best party of the year. if everyone plays along that is.


sunday is basically classic movie night if you are me. tonight, we watched giant. i am confused because james dean was only hot in the movie for about thirteen seconds. for the other three hours he looked like terry kiser in weekend at bernie's. rock hudson was entirely dull. and the directing or editing (hard to tell which) was infuriating. yet, i'd still recommend it.


because i have only had like a three hour nap today. i said it was the throat, but actually naps rule and sometimes any excuse works. the only thing better than a nap is a good night's sleep. which is what i will attempt in three, two, one....


Kitsunegirl said...

After much consideration I have now chosen my crochet project for the Wilson St Talent Quest. Of course, It will be top secret until the big unveiling on the 26th

Anonymous said...

There is a black cat on my street with one eye and a red bandanna tied around his neck. Clearly, he is a pirate cat.

Hebequeen said...

The thing about Brooke Fraser is youhave to listen to her a lot before you begin to like her. Like, I have Rwanda installed by the Telcom monkey. Downloaded lots of other songs but I keep going back Rwanda - if not in real life then via Brooke.
Why would you have a need to go a florist?
There is nothing quite like a black cat that catches a mouse and then releases it. Thats the flaw with the catch and release training. Still this is your blog!

Anonymous said...

oh my god, pirate cat sounds ADORABLE. i would be scared of it, but for other reasons.

and kistunegirl.... can't wait to see the crochet.

and NC: i don't think i will ever like brooke fraser. like is rwanda one of her songs? cos what the?