inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

you have probably noticed that i'm an ideas person. one day i'm talking about something i've invented and the next day every tom, dick and harry is in to it.

things i have made cool include:

  • justin timberlake
  • bows
  • sweet mother's kitchen (although i'm over this now, obviously)
  • talent quests
  • television
  • the colour pink (about five years ago. i'm over this now too)
  • waterslides
  • pottery (until the potter's association started writing passive aggressive poetry about me. at that point i got over it)
  • skivies

another thing i made cool was knitting at the cross (not singlehandedly, but still...) and then weeks later TADA! a knitting night is introduced. so, it seems natural to assume that a tomato sauce bottle drawing club will start from next week as i spent my evening drawing this:

sharpen your HB2 pencils because you heard it here first: drawing tomato sauce containers is the new hot thing.

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