not me, that's for certain.
so it is with cautious typing fingers that i write about how new york was freakin' amazing. i mean apart from the limo rides and nightclubs and dancing. there was heaps to do, and i never felt bored and i could always fill gaps by buying some of the stuff that just seemed to be everywhere. in particular cute stationery. hello, who buys so much paper that they have to ship some home? i mean apart from me.
on the flip side i never felt truly clean in new york. but small price to pay. surely.
and there was a wedding. an awesome wedding. where j-ho, my male bff, and his bride tied the knot. and in style too. and i got to ride in an american yellow school bus like i was freakin' lisa simpson. no otto however.
and i got to be michelle williams basically (in that i hung out in brooklyn, the bridge to which is shown in this picture).

now i'm in boston. it seems like a rural backwater in comparrison. i'd say it was quiet but that doesn't do justice to the booming roadworks that woke me up this morning. but anyway, being in this rural backwater is suiting me just fine right now. today i got harrassed by some cameraman and some dude asking me who my favourite boston sports star is. i couldn't think of a single sportsperson. anywhere in the world. said so, and walked away. then it hit me. the greatest boston sportsperson is also my favourite sports person. sam malone. sometimes i'm too slow. honestly. but i guess that is what comes of spending any amount of time out of new york. your entire body slows down in line with its surroundings.
anyway enough travel writing. well sort of enough. i reserve the right to revisit this topic. plus i'm basically the best reviewer that trip advisor has ever seen.
how could you forget the male-modelesque Tom Brady?
tom brady is a pretty boy, but for real handsomeness my vote still goes to sam malone...
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