unless of course my travel agent was on to me and my magnet buying ways. because dallas fort worth airport has the best gift stores of any airport i've seen yet. at least one shop assistant in every shop i've been into so far has seen me feebly search for money in my bag to pay for the awesome crap i've found. which is why i'm back in the admirals lounge. apart from "mexican chicken wraps" there is nothing to buy and free internet. my evaporating money is relatively safe. i can't say the same for my liver. the coffee is dodgy. at best.
anyway i'm in love with massachusetts and was sad to leave it. it has farms where you buy apple pie and get to pet the animals and dance to banjo music amongst pumpkins. it has the jfk museum where you can weap along with walter cronkite as he reads the news that president kennedy has died and buy magnets of family photos (my flatmate should be squealing in excitement btw... greatest magnet ever) and it has candlepin bowling and is the home of *pete* (who it turns out is A REAL PERSON. excitement plus).
in other excitement i'm off now to challenge myself - to see whether i can digest taco bell. i'm calling it the taco bell challenge. it is similar to the other challenges i've undertaken this holiday: the two dollar lunch challenge in hawaii (consisted of a banana and a hotdog) and the three dollar lunch challenge in new york city (which i failed, it is so expensive there).
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