anyway, my new nephew (te koha) is just as you'd expect.... wonderful. he looks like a gnome right now, but ryles - my first nephew - looked like a robot because of wires and whatnot coming out of him. so everyone is well pleased with our little gnome.
the only disappointment is that my brother is a terrible photographer. he took this photo and i wish he'd told me to take my sunnies off. but whatever.
this morning, even though i was EXHAUSTED from going to atomic and dancing til (almost) dawn i hauled myself out of bed and went over to visit my sister. i tried to convince ryles that having a nap together would be more fun than the wiggles. he wasn't convinced. and i spent at least an hour just holding te koha and marvelling. and even the midwife who was visiting (who incidentally delivered me, incidentally at strongerlight's current apartment) was afraid to take him off me. in the end exhaustion got the better of me, i handed over the baby and went back home for a power nap before playing (and losing) a boardgame marathon.
anyway, i wanted to talk about atomic today too because hello it was excellent. i must have been looking even more h.o.t than at 24 hour party people when i nearly passed out and i got hit on twice in quick succession. i mean, if someone tries to dance with you then whisper the words to take on me in your ear they can only be hot for you. anyway, i didn't take him on. also guess what? shout to the top was played. and even though i was expecting it, i got overexcited and forgot my literal dance moves. i made up for it with a few ad-lib spins though. i am sure noone noticed anything but some awesome dancing. it took me the next few songs to recover from the song and the daydreams i was having about finding a time machine, going back in time and hooking in to paul weller c. early 80s. sigh. also i tried to get the photog to take more photos of me but i think he thought i was joking. we did take a cab home together though where i clarified that i was certainly not joking and that i love digital cameras with all my might. anyway hrc assumed sharing a cab meant sharing a pash and was super jeal but hello i'm a lady of class, not a lady of the evening. but i did get a dancefloor kiss from someone else. well really a dancefloor peck on the cheek. and i have to say i'm not surprised. i bet more people wanted to do it. plus i got to meet a blog reader of mine! excitement plus. but of course i'm much more dull in real life. still i hope it was at least half as good for her as it was for me.
now... list time....
last week i delivered on nothing except the whole becoming an aunt again thing and i think we can agree that was entirely out of my control either way. so like a 2/10 week (i did try to clean my room and attempt finding out about taking wine to the USA so that stops it being a one out of ten week).
this week i have two action points:
- check my passport every day to make sure i know where it is
- fly to hawaii on wednesday.
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