inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

i have no idea who this chick(?) is but check out that awesome puppy. in answer to my facebook questions: puppies or kittens i have to agree with cal. puppies every time.

but actually this photo is mocking me. i have barely slept in two days. the first night i woke up at two am and watched gilmore girls til dawn. which was obviously awesome. but not very productive in the workplace. it meant i was not my cheery self (to quote workmates who are right in thinking i'm ordinarily a ray of sunshine). anyway, that lack of sleep led me to tell some nasty woman that i didn't want to talk to her any more. so that was good. in my fully rested state i probably would have been more passive aggressive. rather than merely aggressive.

then last night i talked to hrc on the telephone until real late all about the above mentioned nasty woman. and i got all worked up. and afterwards i lay in bed restless. restless. restless. so i popped a sleeping pill and voila... sleep. anyway i woke up with a sleeping pill headache today but was cheery like a mofo. so it worked in the end.

tonight i will sleep like a baby though. sans pharmaceuticals. i know this because i'm warm and almost asleep already. and the sleep is essential because friday is a day of travel.

in special overseas travel hels heads to vegas via san fran tomorrow. noone knows how to use the internet to find the makings of the most awesome motel finding extravagnza like hels. the downside of motels and roadtrips in the US of A is that they remind me of that nauseating book lolita. ew. it is nauseating because of the subject matter, obviously. i mean a man lusting after his twelve year old stepdaughter was never going to make it to hallmark tv (which fyi: where is it now. it used to be my favourite part of sky), but then the book became my most hated because i associate it with the time i lost my passport and missed a flight to adelady a year ago. but i wont dwell on that. and i know that hels's trip will be outstanding. and incidentally i also went with hels to adelady. so full circle or whatever.

and the other travel is to hawke's bay. hastings to be precise. to say goodbye to jim and to provide as much support as i can to cazza. although to be honest i feel like i have very little to offer her. i suspect that everyone feels this way when they want to support a friend: like they wish they had the right words or some thoughtful story or anecdote to put things into perspective. but like most people: i have no clue. as my constant random text messages to her probably prove.

so this weekend will be in hastings for me. and i will have NC as a companion who has been much more wise counsel than me lately. and who is also on the move from one job to another from tomorrow onwards. she's following our old chief executive. which is cute when you think about it.

1 comment:

Off-Black said...

Knowing the right words is impossible. Bring there for them is the main thing. ;)