inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

here i am trying out travel outfits. sure i look hot but what a nerd. i lay out all my outfits - mixed and matched and then pretend-packed them to make sure they fit in to my supersmall suitcase. then tried them on to make sure they actually went together. i still have three weeks until i travel.

in my defence i was on a sugar high. i went to simply paris, my new happy place, for afternoon tea. which, because of weird weekend eating habits, was also lunch. and at least some of the people who work there appear to speak french which is awesome because it makes me feel cosmopolitan by association. anyway, go there. there are cute cakes, rich cakes and light cakes and tea in awesome tea pots and they do side orders of fries. i actually don't think there is more you could ask for food wise. decor wise i'd ask for circle rather than square tables. but that's me being picky.

actually picky is a potentially highscoring scrab word. i'll have to store that one in my memory bank.

speaking of banks and scrab it is time for me to review last week:

10 out of 10! honestly. sunglasses are evident in this picture, afternoon tea with hels was at simply paris and i could not speak more highly of it, the klaxons are in new york the same time i am, so HOOK UP ( i don't even mind that it means i'll probably have to see bjork perform live), my cellphone is fully charged, i haven't had a single berry yoghurt trio and my student loan overpayment has gone directly to my credit card.

this week i may be a bit more demanding of myself because frankly the past week has all seemed too easy. this week i will:
  • not buy any clothes (i weakened last week and went back to world, my favourite clothes shop in wellington, i voted for it here but somehow it didn't win. neither did lyall bay fishie chippie which makes best chips and best lime milkshakes in the region. and don't even get me started on how the title of best barman was stole from my fave cutie barman. the dj (other) i voted for did though. so i don't feel like i was totally ignored).
  • give out the "for no particular reason" presents i have been acquiring over the past week. this one isn't a chore at all though. still, i am noting it as an activity.
  • buy tickets to the klaxons.
  • decide whether to pay the inflated inflated prices for tickets to the killers in australia in november (i really should have advanced ordered, i just didn't think about how they might sell out).
  • do laundry. lots and lots of laundry.
  • finish watching gilmore girls season six so that hrc can start (and finish) watching before we depart.
  • try and finish the book i'm reading (touching from a distance, about ian curtis - basically what the awesome movie i saw at the film fest was based on. this is a great activity cos it's free)
  • win me some scrab (either internet scrabulous or real life scrabble, i'm not fussy)
  • organise a flat taboo challenge - i think newtown will win
  • hang out with ryles. we'll probably do arts and crafts and make fun of people. he's the greatest ever two year old. EVER. and
  • be super professional at work. this will be the hardest task of the week.

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