inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

so my high school is having a reunion. old girls of the nineties rejoice. anyway, i think i would probably end up self harming if i actually attended so guess what? since i'm not actually middle aged, i wont be at the loaded hog that (or really any) night.

but in honour of the girls making an effort i've been listening to ub40s best of volume one for the last two days. there's a rat in mi kitchen. and all that. in 1994, i was on holiday staying with my cousins in christchurch. they were all old - like nineteen - and smoked and had boyfriends and drove and had ub40 tapes that we listened to when driving to akaroa (they also had billy joel, which i secretly preferred but kept quiet about cos i didn't want to be judged). plus i went to an all you can eat buffet with my aunt and uncle and the rsa or something and someone played rat in mi kitchen on the juke box and i thought i was the most cosmopolitan person in the world when i like recognised the hardcore reggae.

anyway, when i came back to wellington a week and a lifetime later i took up ub40. i even remember the day i bought it on lambton quay. and then rode the cable car listening to it on my bff's walkperson on the way up to visit her dad at the university (why, i'm not sure, but i remember doing it).

then in my first or second year of university, when i was too cool for reggae and all about the cure, my bff and i held a car boot sale - literally - at the old markets where reading cinemas are now and sold my tape.

this week though, i discovered that my cowoe, who sits two seats away, has the same album on cd!!! and then, when i got the invite to the reunion i knew it was fate. so i played that cd, ripped it to my work pc and blissed freakin' out. high school memories freakin' rule.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

I think my workmate is planning your reunion.