inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

guess who is the best aunt in the universe. me. today i fed my ryles cake but smeared it on his face first so he looked like he'd missed his mouth. and he looked so cute. and i laughed. and realised i didn't even have my camera so what was the point.

the point is that is what life is about. precious moments.

the other precious moment with him tonight was when he grabbed my hand, said goodbye to his mum, and tried to go home with me. freakin' beautiful.

and also guess what? tomorrow night we get to repeat the fun and games as i am on day care pick up duty. where he'll run to me with open arms and scream my name and singing natasha beddingfields "these words" (just that i love you i love you i love you part).

another precious thing will be tomorrow breakfast where i wear my tracksuit at liquidate and try and pick up old men. apparently it is the done thing there. after last week's experience.
i can only hope there are three of them.

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Anonymous said...

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