people are inspiring. first erin represents hilarious life moments in simple drawings. then i decide to write a zine. however, i haven't even read another persons zine yet so for now i'm copying erin's hilarity. i call today's comic strip HOW TO WRITE THE BEST BLOG POST EVER. and it sums up basically how i work my magic. funny cos it is true.
tonight i also drew an hilarious slice of life comic strip moment about the crush of my life duncan and how he is probably madly in love with me. i drew it for my bff at the quiz. but don't ask me about the quiz because even though i'm the world's authority on marty mcfly i didn't freakin even get third place. that's right. i had to settle for 4th. apparently there is no money attached and you could get a hug from the barperson of your choice. but since the man of my dreams is an alcoholic and shouldn't be working at a bar i chose noone.
anyway, the comic strip about duncan was funny cos not only did it ring true re: his likely love for me but also it poked fun of trademe. that's what the public want in their slice of life comics, both topicality and truth. i offer both. i expect my zine to sell like hotcakes.
When Gmail decides to work again, I am going to email you a copy of my zine, just so you'll know what they can be like if they are long and angsty.
I think i know joanna, i watched the best film ever (My neighbour totoro) at her house once.
the cartoon was v.good, please draw a cartoon of homeperm!
Okay, creeeeeeeeeepy Garry, I have no idea who you are. Unless your real name starts with a B.
I love My Neighbour Totoro
This cartoon is brilliant. No question.
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