inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Monday, May 07, 2007

something is wrong with my phone. i haven't been able to send pxts for days. which led me to buy these clothes without consulting anyone. which led me to break my no shopping rule. but hello i am awaiting a refund cheque from inland revenue due to me overpaying my student loan. so technically it is a cost neutral purchase or something.

but bigger issues: my phone. i hate it.

i hate it because it charges me seventeen cents for every text message. when c4 has the top 40 fifteen minutes of fame-ers that means like seventeen dollars in text messages. because you have to send at least two text messages per song to your bff... but more like three or four for some of the songs. like when they played train's drops of jupiter. and there were numerous text messages accusing mr leadsinger from train of being the best soy latte i ever had. which fyi wouldn't be hard because i thankfully have never had a soy latte.

also i hate my phone because even though it lets me type in web addresses like it MIGHT connect you to the internet the sad truth is it never ever ever does. but my phone people tell me it is all connected up and ready to go. so tonight at dinner when i desperately wanted to know the proportion of maori living in households with internet access i couldn't look up the statistics nz webpage. but then luckily someone else could because they had a better phone (fyi 25% as at 2001 census).

also my phone is quiet. like even when you turn the volume up super loud you can barely hear the person you are talking to. which, even though i don't have a hearing impairment, is simply unacceptable given the marvels of modern technology.

when my last phone before my last phone started to annoy me it refused to die. so even though it was five years old (and FYI it was lena's old phone from when she lived in sydney, so it was OOOOOLD by phone standards) it just kept on trucking. i even dropped it on the motorway... and it survived. this suggests that my current phone, which is also of the nokia family will last forever out of spite.

what else about my phone? actually very little else. and now that it is written down it just looks petty. hmmmm... funny that. i'm still going to post this though because, hello, that photo of me is awesome.



Anonymous said...

out of interest, how many self portraits have you got on this site? shouldnt there be pics of homeperm himself?

Homeperm said...

only about a hundred. and homeperm himself, he is not well represented in photographs. i only have one, but it am not ready to share it yet.