inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

tonight, instead of finishing a presentation, i took the full house quiz. the quiz is one of two [very] lame special features on the season two dvd.

anyway - surprise surprise - i aced the quiz. this is no achievement, the quiz was clearly for children. simple children at that. if the question involved uncle joey the answer was popeye. there was no mention of how you oughta know was about david coulier. which straight away ruined the quiz for me.
there are also no questions about how hot john stamos is post haircut (answer: without the mullet he is H.O.T to the power of infinity) or references to how uncle jesse's surname changed between the first and second seasons. actually there was only one john stamos question and the answer was wrong (they said he gave up the extermination business for his music career but MORE accurately he gave it up to go work in advertising - although i guess jingle writing is still music).
in other news i'm going to christchurch tomorrow. it was next to impossible to get a flight or a hotel down that way. what the heck is up with christchurch this weekend?


Morgan Davie said...

My fave John Stamos thing was his guest appearance as himself on the Larry Sanders show. He steals some money from Larry's wallet. Hee hee hee.

2treesandahorse said...

We like the short sod. he was cool.

Anonymous said...

Guess what? There is a DJ called DJ Tanner. Isn't that funny?

I'm glad you found me. I've been putting the new blog address when I leave comments for certain people I like. I didn't link to it on my blog yet because I guess I just didn't want to hear criticism so early on because I thought it could throw me off, and I feared some people who read my current blog would criticize. Maybe I'm just paranoid though...