inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

today i felt angry. so i bought a dress. it is red. and i also bought a green singlet to go with it because kylie minogue said in her special edition of australian vogue that singlets under dresses was her hottest tip. and my own hottest tip is during the christmas season it is important to look as much liike a decorated christmas tree as possible.

anyway, i needn't have bothered with the dress. tonight i met my dream man at a bar. he came up and talked to me and my friends about not much just for the sake of it. and he was mc hammered. and i found it sweet. plus he had a pink handbag. which made him perfect boyfriend material. if i ever see him again i will probably propose.

we can get married during the christmas period, because it will be our anniversary, and i can wear my red christmas dress to save money because he would have probably drunk away our life savings. plus there is the fact that i'm underpaid, so that would mean we couldn't have a lavish wedding. which reminds me, i'm underpaid. which i realised today when i found out how much others earn. which spurred my anger. which made me buy a new dress. which ate away at at my precious income. which now, when i think about it logically, seems a little stupid. hmmm... i'll have to remember that for next time. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

What is a singlet?

Anonymous said...

that was hilarious

Anonymous said...

that was hilarious

Homeperm said...

a singlet is a sleeveless top. a tank top maybe? and yes, erin, i *am* two times hilarious. thanks.

Anonymous said...

OMG, this photo screams covergirl!

Homeperm said...

thanks hels!

Anonymous said...

I love Kylie! She is an inspiration.

Have you seen her exhibition at the V&A in London? it's great for Kylie fans:

"Kylie - The Exhibition" runs until 10 June 2007 and it's free!