inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Monday, November 13, 2006

you know when you meet this guy in the late nineties and you don't fall in love instantly but over a couple of years steadily start to fall heavily for him.

then you memorise all the words to his ballads and you think about how if the stars align you may meet and if that happens then you will probably marry because if his songs are a window to his soul - which they are - and if the music videos which show his vulnerable side are the true him, then the two of you are meant to be.

then you go to his concert and get blisters on your feet from dancing too hard and associate him and the blisters and he does a stupid album of swing standards and your mum buys his album and this parental acceptance puts you off him. plus you get a grown ups job and you are embarrassed to admit to your cowoes that you are in to him, even thought they are not ashamed about being into the corrs.

then you two sort of break up for three years. and then he releases a song called rude box and you find it awesome while everyone else is a hater about it. but you still sort of think it is over. then c4 play twelve reasons to be robbie williams and you fall in love all over again, to the point of planning your wedding and you mourn the end of the show. and then you go to your room, listen to your ipod on shuffle and it magically plays angels and you KNOW IT IS MEANT TO BE AND THAT SOME DAY THE TWO OF YOU REALLY WILL MARRY? you know that feeling?

cos that totally sums up where i am at right this moment. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

He looks like Chandler in that photo.

Homeperm said...

whatEVER. he looks like a hottie is what he looks like. you have NO idea.