you should. because it is all true.
i drank too much. and ate too much. and then was cynical too much (that god. it had been too long) but was mesmerised by gold table cloths and pink drinks. and the fact that i was in the company of a boy who self identified as batman.
this topped off a day where i was first up. second down. and thirdly full from eating a bag of chippies.

It definitely looks like a set of a soap opera.
are chippies chips? today a guy from australia spoke to our class. i know you live in new zealand, but whatever, i'm american do you think i know the difference?
"You should get a blog." Also, I think it's possible that you should/could turn yourself into this guy.
that's what it is. it looks like a soap opera set. but one from the seventies or something.
chippies are chips. or crisps. depending on where in the world you come from. they were chive flavoured.
and 'you should get a blog' was the best quote of the night. well, apart from the whole 'i would be batman' thing. that guy was so much greater than i had given him credit for. however, i like to keep my blog life and my professional life separate. OBVIOUSLY. so he shall not be let in on the little secret just yet.
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