inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Saturday, November 04, 2006

so i just moments ago got home from the ball of the century.

highlight was the afterparty. this is the first ball i've ever been to where i've lasted to the after party. at the previous two - when i was in my teens - i had to go home due to my inability to handle liquor. now, ten years on i seem to have conquered that demon.

the other highlight, which made me think of my sixth and seventh form ball experiences, was that my hairdresser today asked me if i was going to a school ball. hello. i'm like old enough to be your mother *lies actually, but she was around my age*

i'm too tired now to compute the other cool things; there was great food, and my bestest friend accused me of trying to have babies with this smarmy man and i have blisters on my feet from too much dancing and sore arms from too much hugging *again with the lies because there is no such thing as too much hugging when you're steadily drinking vodka*

i can't wait to go to my next ball. now that i know i don't need to feel faint from all the apple cider i am fully, fully, into ball season. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

OMG, I can't beleive you aren't showing the hairdo in your photo. It's the least you could do after promising to come show me the real thing and then DEFAULTING.

Homeperm said...

this was the best photo i had as i left my camera at home. there was an official photographer however and there were other cameras so i will share as soon as i am able

and about the whole not visiting. the hair was just too big to casually pop down to your floor. i was going to suggest you came up but then work got in the way. bloody work. dictating my bloody days.

Anonymous said...

You look faaaaabulous, totally devilish in an Audrey Hepburn kind of way. I can't believe you partied til dawn. I feel a bit queasy thinking about it.