inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

so i finally went to see jackass two. i'd like to say i'm above it all. but guess what? i'm not. public hair is funny. deal with it. i went on a weird double date to the movie. two of my best male friends. and the sister of one of them. we had drinks. and then ate cheap generic asian food at the oaks. and had m & ms in the theatre while i writhed in pain due to laughing too hard. didn't stop me eating m & ms. they are awesome.

also, apparently awesome is an american word. an english man who i dated this one time told me so. so i'm totally aware now about how i say everything is awesome. i need a new word. i used to say aces. but then my brother kept turning it into aces high and i sounded like some boring poker playing boy. which reminds me boys who play poker are boring. but when i do it, it is awesome. or aces. or whatever. which also reminds me that i want someone to take me to the hawthorn lounge where we can roast marshmellows (but not eat them, seeing as how i'm allergic) and play poker for fun and maybe matchsticks. but it has to be someone who will find it ironic when i find it ironic and genuinely great when i find it genuinely great. and goodluck finding that person. i have a lead however. i have taken my first internet boyfriend offline. we are using the telephone. so old school.

which brings me to my weird double date, where the phrase of the day was old school. and my recommendation to go see jackass two. if you find pubic hair funny. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i didn't even know that there IS a jackass 2. maybe i will see it. now you have to go see borat.