inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

i had to buy more red ribbon today. it enables my blind dating addiction.

i went on a blind date with a colleague of two friends. we went here. and even though girls are meant to let boys win, i won. by heaps. i am not good at keeping my competitive spirit in tact.

here i am before the date, getting ready. hair up? hair down? this decision took hours. it was pointless too because it was soooooo windy outside that my hair, which ended up in a hairtie, had all fallen out by the time i got to the bus stop. (oh yeah, i caught a bus. because i'm so sustainable environment that way).

after two rounds of drinks and victory for me we went to sweet mothers kitchen - the place i swore i would never return. the owners did little dances when they saw me and declared that they thought i'd never be back. i said, coldly, that neither did i. but that i will be looking for somewhere else for knitting. i may continue to go there for food and margaritas. at the end they made me pay. what the? i expected it to be totally free since they did a dance or whatever.

i tried to lead the night to dancing. because it is on the dance floor that i really, really, shine. but it just ended up leading to more liquor. and conversation. which is nice, but hard to do in the wee small hours at wellington bars.

so i ended it. which was stupid because i hate saying goodbye to blind dates. the ideal, whether i like them or not, is for the date to say they will be in touch and that they want to see me again. and for them to mean it (obviously) that way i get an ego boost and if i do want to see them i can, and if i don't i can say so later so as not to ruin the evening.

mostly though i end up saying thanks, walking away too early and waving from a safe distance. a wave is so useful in most situations, i find.

*** this post is for NC and CG. thanks.

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Anonymous said...

gorgeous hair do

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I still can't believe you went back to SMK.

Off-Black said...

I think Fi and I saw you in cuba mall yesterday, but you walked around a corner before I could get a closer look and figure out if it actually was you

Homeperm said...

off-black: i was in cuba mall at that time so it is super likely you saw me.

and strong lady: yeah, neither can i

and everyone else: totally. i'm bringing sexy back.