well, i knew i was bad at keeping boyfriends for more than two seconds but this is ridiculous. no sooner do i find the man of
my dreams but i go and lose his business card. did i mention that when he gave me his business card he wrote a message on the back? it was basically i love you. although technically it was his home email address.

i have had another awesome day in adelaide. i spent the morning with the aboriginal health division and the afternoon out and about meeting the people who run the services. highlight was the open day at the aboriginal college. there was face painting. i bought a wallet. i now have four wallets. i have gone wallet mad. and they gave me a hat. which i just now remembered i left in a car somewhere. probably with my passport and the phone number of the man of my dreams. the hat was choice as. it had bush mechanics written on it and it was going to be my father's belated father's day present. maybe someone with my business card will find it and email me about it. the odds of that are pretty high as i have given out my business card to half of south australia.
tonight i'm off to eat my first dinner alone in adelaide. i am never sure how it looks to be eating dinner alone and i get a bit bored talking to myself over starters. but i have a book. i have a phone to text message like crazy. i'll be fine.
tomorrow: more aboriginal health and HELS ARRIVES. although i have no idea what time. hels - you should email me. first name dot last name at gmail dot com.
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