also is it socially acceptable to look at internet porn in an internet cafe. i would have thought no. man next to me is of a different opinion. clearly.
two things about today. one i think i met THE most handsome man in the universe today.

the other thing about today is that i unexpectedly gave a lecture in kaupapa maori research. i felt like such a pro. and afterwards people clambered to see me and get my business card as if i were a tall, handsome, artistic human rights advocate.
then i went to david jones. bought a top. then went back to the chocolate shop and bought even more chocolate and this time even bought a little present for miss hels for when she arrives (hels it is about 23 degrees today. but it can be a bit colder in the mornings (around 13 degrees) so bring a couple of layers).
tomorrow i am meeting with state officials to talk work. i better go and get some food and then some beauty sleep. i think i'm looking old because noone has asked me if i was over 25 today.
gross. maybe it's okay if you're sitting in the corner and no one can see the screen, but otherwise, UNACCEPTABLE
i know. totally unacceptable. it wasn't hardcore porn but still. woman with nothing on their top half looking longingly into the camera. then he decides he needs messanger. and it isn't installed on the computer. and he has a spaz. i was embarrassed for him frankly. i hot footed it out of the internet cafe shortly afterwards.
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