the worst part about today, apart from how i MISSED MY FLIGHT, was that i had to spend three hours in a windowless room with only this to look at...

nice new zealand artwork or whatever but i would have rather been watching music videos or something.
and i kept saying to the passport people: could you give me a timeline. will i make my plane? and they kept telling me: i'll go and find out. and i had to wait another 45 minutes alone. i became conditioned to listen for the sound of the lift. and had guessed that they must only be one or two floors away from me because i could hear their cards swiping when they used it. i felt like a prisoner. oh and i had to go to the police station as part of the declaring my passport lost. they made me feel like a criminal too.
then again my plight is not too bad. one has to keep perspective. so i miss out on half a day of a three day conference. not the end of the world.
and last night i had a very pleasant dinner and delicious pimms cups and met a soldier (below). i will remind myself of this when i cant afford to eat in adelaide (cost of replacement passport: $650.00)

sorry to hear it! i hope everything else about your trip goes well
gabs!!! how do you lose your passport?? obviously you made it in the end, and adelaide looks nice.
how did i lose my passport 'anonymous'? well, stupidity mostly. and yes the rest of my trip is going very very well.
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