remember this face. for soon this face will be in adelaide. i should pack and do washing etc... but instead i'm heading out to dinner and cocktails hopefully.

also last night i watched breakfast at tiffany's on dvd. from now on i want to be audrey hepburn, sans any of the bad stuff.
so i get home after dinner and cocktails (pimms cups specifically) and realise i can't find my passport. maybe i shant be seeing freakin' adelaide. i would look for it but i'm tired now. i don't think i can be bothered.
there is bad stuff?? i recommend "sabrina" to you: 1958, with audrey & humphrey bogart, a cinderella tale set in a mansion on long island. i saw it last month and now it is practically my FAVOURITE movie ever. except that we all know what holds that place.
good point sharon. good point. what bad stuff indeed. also how is the ranch going? i will be visiting in 2007 and i would love to visit - staying in one of the rooms off the balcony.
also still no sign of passport. hmmmm....
you bet, hp. that would be simply swell. though, if when you arrive the dog seems to not recognize me, please keep any thoughts to yourself.
give my love to adelaide - if you ever get there
i have decided negative thinking lost my passport. i decided it was lost ergo it became lost. sharon's friend lena who is like this doctoress of philosophy would understand just how sound my logic is on this one.
Hard luck on the passport. Do you think your travel insurance will cover your lost passport?
travel insurance? doubt it. but needless to say i'll be trying to claim every thing i can back.
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