one: when did the lyall bay 12 bus become the lyall bay 3 bus. i waited for hours for a bus tonight (well minutes) and all because i kept letting the mysterious number three bus pass by without getting on. only to find out that they are the same thing. worst advertising to regular bus users ever.

two: my brother invited me to be his friend at bebo dot com. i feel so included. nothing says i love you like an invitation to be someone's friend network friend. best brother... ever.
three: even though noone apart from hels deserves to find out about my travels in stings there
is one thing i will tell you. there may be something in the sheep jokes. the men there are desperado. new favourite 'city'.

i was just walking down the street minding my own when some guy comes up to me and is all like "you look nice" and i'm like "yep" and he tries to have coffee with me. sure it was socially awkward and sure i made up some friends that i was on my way to meet so that i could escape. but still - he was right. i looked nice.

I love those sheeps! did you know they used to be somewhere else in Town but they got moved. Nice to see they've got some grass!
found this post through wefeelfine
wow. i don't understand we feel fine. but i gather this means that the universe is conspiring to make you read my blog. good on the universe. the universe should be doing the same for all of you.
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