inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Monday, August 21, 2006

this might be the sadest night of my life. i'm in bed reading stuff for work. i have piles of it. and i have just realised that i actually know what i'm talking about. sad. details of a bunch of random shit loosely tied together. and i know it. sad. and i'm listening to cheap trick. sad.

at least i get to wear my new pyjamas. purchased in sydney. aren't they beautiful. not that you can really see them. but there is a hint of them. down there at the bottom of the photo.

today i was in a meeting with a dynamic husband and wife duo. i was next to wife. husband was talking and i was absent mindedly drawing hearts. never mind why i was drawing hearts, but they have NOTHING to do with husband. i turned my head slightly and realised wife was looking at the hearts. so i had to quickly change my drawings into flowers and make a point of drawing hearts everytime anyone spoke. it became tiresome. and now my notebook is covered in hearts like i'm some love crazed teenager. awesome.

also i was subjected to romantic advice from near strangers today. what the? do i have desperado written across my face somewhere. oh well. i do appreciate it when people tell it like it is. so maybe i should be more appreciative of the feedback. as it was i stood there stunned and couldn't wait to get somewhere where i could IM my friends and get their interpretations. when i finally did get to my computer to IM they were so unhelpful. i need friends without lives so that they can get wrapped up in mine and be more full time advisors. it is my dream. but as it is my friends are all together too well rounded for such indulgence. shame.

anyway, i need to get back to commenting on contracts or whatever. sigh. Posted by Picasa


Homeperm said...

i just realised this post gives a WRONG impression about how i'm all loved up or whatever. i'm not. it is just i drew hearts and i got romantic advice on the same day. it was a coincidence. and they were the only things that happened today. honestly. which is why they both made the cut for the blog entry today. so to clarify - if you get the impression from this post that i'm all loved up you have got the wrong impression.

Off-Black said...

Cheap trick. Cool.

Amalia said...

Randomly found your blog. You're hilarious. Once I figure out how, I'll totally link to you. :)


Anonymous said...

Amalia is right, you are hilarious. But you never IMed me. I would have become wrapped up in your life. Honestly.

Homeperm said...

wow. amalia is like a real person. i'm used to nice things said by strangers being the work of spam artists. how exciting. amalia... you should link to me. and take me out to some fancy dinner in california when i'm there as part of my hawaiian nights new york wedding tour 07.

Anonymous said...

oh my lord! plus amalia is a) a food writer, and b) has sat on the same seat as leonardo di caprio. she is my new favourite stranger-person.
homeperm: i just sent hrc & worthington off at SFO. when you come over on the CA leg of Hawaiian Nights, we so have to do everything i did with them because it was marvellous. and from my brief background search, amalia looks like she would be excellent for further exclusive CA travel advice. sorted.