i have resorted to retelling other people's blog posts because i'm at a loss about what to say. i knitted tonight. it was nice. lamp dude turned into knitting dude. a success for us knitters. i lost my brightly coloured scarf but i hope it is at my new fave cafe where you sit in a hotel lobby in a comfortable chair and flirt or gossip or both. an important person rang me today to tell me that someone even more important loves my work. i had coffee with someone who gets the words yum and thank you mixed up and i got someone to agree to fund something that was my idea. and bob clarkson, member of parliament for tauranga, said there was nothing wrong with homosexuals so long as they don't try to ram it down his throat. apart from how that last thing made me have a minor heart attack from laughing too hard it has been a nice but unblog worthy day. maybe tomorrow i'll make like stella and get my groove back.

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